Anatomy of Frustration: Lack of skills or training

“All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners... Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence.” Denis Waitley

Sometimes frustration comes from attempting a task that is beyond our training and experience. This occurrence is common because our world is changing so rapidly. The way we are use to doing things are becoming obsolete, paradigms are shifting at an astronomical pace that most individuals in personal and professional environments are finding it daunting to stay abreast with the changing trends and this oftentimes result to tremendous stress and frustration.

In our evolving world the skills and training such as communication, leadership and people skills that were relevant to a particular task yesterday could be obsolete today. This has brought untold frustration to many people. For example the advent of the Internet has change the way we communicate and conduct business in the past. So we are faced with the challenge of attempting a task within a global environment that necessitate new skills and trainings, this often brings frustration to those involved, as they have to acquire new skills and new relevant information as they have to adapt to the changing trends.

Jim Rohn remarked, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” The truth is formal education will only get you thus far but consistent life-long learning process (self-education) will help transform frustration, unlock the power to succeed and give you a competitive advantage in any enterprise.

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Anatomy of Frustration: The Habit of Quitting

“Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown.” Ross Perot

Vince Lombardi observed, “Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.” This can't be explained in a more appropriate term. One of the root causes of frustration that eventually results to absolute failure and disappointments is the habit of quitting when overtaking by temporary defeat, setback or detour. Most people tend to quit when they encounter temporary defeats or setbacks just for the simple fact that they did not achieve their desired objectives or expectations and this ought not be so.

On one hand, temporary set back should be seen and considered as a resource that one can draw ideas and learn from what did not work the first time as against seeing it as a sentence to doom. Remember that your setbacks or temporary detours are just part of the process toward achieving your expectation and not a reason to quit the journey but to revaluate and reassess for the next action on the playing field of life.

Let me illustrate with this simple but yet relevant example. Miss Stones decides that she is going to shed some weight so as to fit into her wedding gown, but unfortunately she was not impressed with the progress she had made and so she is frustrated and quits. This has always been her line of action when she is faced with a temporary setback and this habit many times has driven her to overwhelming feelings of frustration. This could very well be the reason why most people never reach their fullest potential or achieve their goals, and in the process get so frustrated because they quitted before lasting results could be achieved.

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Understanding how to overcome stress

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” Marcus Aurelius Antonious

Stress Defined: Stress is a state of physiological or psychological strain caused by adverse stimuli, physical, mental, or emotional, internal or external, that tend to disturb the functioning of an organism and which the organism naturally desires to avoid. Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers

Understanding how to overcome stress is imperative, so as to help you work effectively professionally as well as contribute to having a healthy personal life. Studies show that 80% - 90% of all diseases are stress related. I suppose that these figures are staggering enough to make the subject of stress a priority in our individual and collective lives respectively. A lot people are stressed today in different works of life for numerous reasons. The question to consider is what are the causes of this stress? Lots of things could be responsible, from family chores to too much work to do, from fear of public speaking to traffic on the way to an important event.

Causes of Stress: Stress is caused by many different factors and I will list just a few here.

• Events that are considered a threat to the general overall wellbeing of the individual.
• When there are inevitable changes in ones physical or social environment.
• Fear of losing one’s job
• Fear of rejection
• Financial challenges
• Problems with family members

Remedies: Whenever you are feeling stressed you need to take action to change the state or condition. The following suggestion will be helpful in overcoming stress.

• Take a break from whatever you are doing
• Get away from the problem for a while
• Take a deep breath
• Reassess and describe what is the source stress
• Change your focus
• You have to come to terms with yourself that there are some things beyond your control
• If the stress is beginning to affect your health you should seek professional attention
• Having quiet moments from all the busyness

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Quote Meal

"Habits of pessimism lead to depression, wither achievement, and undermine physical health. The good news is that pessimism can be unlearned, and that with its removal depression, underachievement, and poor health can be alleviated."
Martin Seligman

How to deal with depression

I am a member of Capitol Toastmasters Club and in one of our club meetings one of the prepared speeches given by one of our members was about battling depression. I was so intrigued by the speech that I decided to write a post on what I learnt from that speech.

Most people are susceptible to depression. This illness can be triggered by stress or frustrating circumstances in ones life. At this point you may not have experienced depression perhaps you probably have met someone who has or is suffering from this emotional dysfunction or illness called Depression.

But what is depression? According to
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, Depression is a state of being depressed marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts or an attempt to commit suicide. It represents extreme low moods that lasts a long time and makes a person feel sad, irritable or empty. It is said to occur because of chemical imbalance in the brain. Depression could also occur due to the changes in ones personal or professional life.

There are several types of depression,

Clinical depression: This is a mental disorder characterized by a pervasive low mood, loss of interest in a person's usual activities and diminished ability to experience pleasure.

Dysthymia: This is a mood disorder that falls within the depression spectrum. It is often considered a chronic depression, but with less severity than a major depression. This disorder tends to be a chronic, long-lasting illness

Bipolar depression: This is where you experience a mood swing between being overexcited and happy to being depressed.

Symptoms of Depression

The following are some of the signs and symptoms that characterize depression. However these symptoms varies with different from people.

• anxiety
• helplessness or worthlessness
• overeating or under eating
• irritability
• gaining weight or losing weight
• inability to concentrate
• a loss of appetite
• feelings of extreme sadness
• insomnia
• difficulty making decisions
• fatigue
• a loss of interest in things that the person use to enjoy

Causes of Depression

• Physiological factor
• Sociological factor
• Chemical imbalance
• Personality

Tips on how to deal with depression:

• Seek spiritual help
• Seek professional help
• Group therapy
• Join a mastermind group
• Change your focus
• Develop a positive outlook
• Associate with positive and enthusiastic people

The fact of the matter is that you cannot function at your best capacity when depressed. This is an illness that should not alienate you from your love ones, close acquaintances and the rest of the world. With accurate diagnoses, proper treatments and self-help resources you can overcome depression and live the life that you are meant to live.

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Why is Frustration spreading among Youths Today?

Why is frustration spreading among youths today? This is the question that I came across earlier on today as I was going through some of the keywords used by some of the visitors to my blog. I was deeply moved and stimulated by this question that I decided to write a post to at least give a response, which I think is very fundamental.

There are of course a number of reasons responsible for the untold frustrations among our youths today. One of the main reasons for the frustrations among youths is peer pressure. Most youths are trying so hard to be and act like somebody else. They are trying to fit into a certain group and while struggling to adopt a lifestyle in harmony with that group. Doing what is expected of the members of that particular group. Most youths have undying desire to attain a certain social status quo, and in this fruitless struggle they are getting stressed, agitated and frustrated.

The peer pressure exerted on the youths of today is unprecedented. The temptation to do what their peers are doing, which may not be congruent with their core values, is stressful. If you do not conform to these prescribed ways of life you will be considered as not happening or not in vogue. You are almost treated as an outcast for that matter and this is the most common cause of frustration amongst youths today.

One of the ways to address this problem is personal development. Find a mentor that can help you navigate through difficult decision-making process. Parents have a part to play as well in ensuring that youths are comfortable with themselves and they don’t have to be subjected to peer pressures to be successful and accepted in the society.

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Quote Meal

"God-centered thinking does not deny the reality of our present situation, but it does put our troubles into perspective."
Richard Exley

Anatomy of Frustration: Lack of Control

Lack of control over people, things, events and circumstances just to name a few is known to be one of the root causes of frustration today in personal and professional lives. Charles Popplestown stated, “You can not always control circumstances, but you can control your own thoughts.” This problem is quite common but not obvious. First and foremost you need to recognize that you have no control over things around you, control of other people’s lives or make anyone do anything for that matter.

Kelsey Grammer remarked, “The mark of a man is one who knows he can't control his circumstances - but he can control his responses.” A lot of people really get frustrated because they cannot control the situation to their own advantage. In view of the fact that there is a lack of control a feeling of disappointment, exasperation, or weariness takes over, producing anger, stress or resentment. These individuals do not realize that there are events, situations or circumstances in life that we cannot control just for the simple fact that we are humans.

Jim Rohn is often quoted as saying “It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.” To be frustrated at the direction of the wind, which is beyond your control, is unproductive. It is imperative therefore, to understand that one may not be able to control certain situations or events because they do not depend on us directly or indirectly. You need to learn how to let go some of the things you are struggling with trying so hard to gain control over because when that happens that is when you gain.

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