Understanding how to overcome stress

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” Marcus Aurelius Antonious

Stress Defined: Stress is a state of physiological or psychological strain caused by adverse stimuli, physical, mental, or emotional, internal or external, that tend to disturb the functioning of an organism and which the organism naturally desires to avoid. Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers

Understanding how to overcome stress is imperative, so as to help you work effectively professionally as well as contribute to having a healthy personal life. Studies show that 80% - 90% of all diseases are stress related. I suppose that these figures are staggering enough to make the subject of stress a priority in our individual and collective lives respectively. A lot people are stressed today in different works of life for numerous reasons. The question to consider is what are the causes of this stress? Lots of things could be responsible, from family chores to too much work to do, from fear of public speaking to traffic on the way to an important event.

Causes of Stress: Stress is caused by many different factors and I will list just a few here.

• Events that are considered a threat to the general overall wellbeing of the individual.
• When there are inevitable changes in ones physical or social environment.
• Fear of losing one’s job
• Fear of rejection
• Financial challenges
• Problems with family members

Remedies: Whenever you are feeling stressed you need to take action to change the state or condition. The following suggestion will be helpful in overcoming stress.

• Take a break from whatever you are doing
• Get away from the problem for a while
• Take a deep breath
• Reassess and describe what is the source stress
• Change your focus
• You have to come to terms with yourself that there are some things beyond your control
• If the stress is beginning to affect your health you should seek professional attention
• Having quiet moments from all the busyness

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Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a very high rate- 80 to 90%. It's really important to overcome stress.

This post is really full of good information and I love it.

Those activities does help a lot. But I think it would be better to go to the root of stress problem- mindset. Recommend others to start living with an abundance mindset.

People who have think from scarcity often are people who are very stressed, worry, fear of losing something, etc. I think that's the root of the problem.

Anonymous said...

That was a great article.

I am just wondering, if someone is being stressed by an event which he considers as a threat, don't you think that the criteria for considering a threat can vary from one person to another.

People might get stressed by seeing some kind of pets, and this raises their alert systems highly.

So, how to avoid those unreasonable threats and get them back to be normal things?

Richard ONEBAMOI said...

Thank you both for your comments. Yes alex I aggree with you that one of the root problems is the mindset and the that scarcity mindset is reoriented the issue stress in that particular individual would have be solved. Axecity:Your observation is very much right on target. More also that we all come wired differently, hence the criteria for considering a threat will definitely vary from person to person. Some of the remedies recommended above can help deal with the stress. I may have to follow up with another post because you have triggered a line of thought that I think needs a closer examination. Thanks again my friends for sharing.

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