Anatomy of Frustration: Complexities

One of my favorite definitions of the word “complex” in context with personal and professional development that I have came across is “Influence on behavior: A set of related feelings, ideas, or impulses that may be repressed but continues to influence thoughts and behavior.”

We are often overwhelmed by the complex situations of everyday life. These complex situations have the potency to disorient our focus, drain our spiritual and physical energies, which in the final analysis will incapacitate us in the pursuit of our purpose and destinies.

Complex situations are nothing but series of unresolved situation, or events intertwined and interconnected to form a myriad of things or events in our lives. It is just like a web that a spider creates; it begins by a single tread that eventually turned out to be many treads interwoven together to form a cobweb.

Unfortunately, if these complex situations are not resolved can create terrible frustration, anger and disappointments that will inevitably produce short and long-term consequences.

The notion and attitude that complex situations are impossible to resolve in itself is detrimental to your overall success in any endeavor. Therefore, to deal with a complex situation the first thing to do is to adjust and realign your attitude to your overall objective and definite purpose. That is what it is you want to achieve or your anticipated outcome. There will always be complex situations in your life be it personal or professional to think contrary will be naive.

The second thing to do is to seek to understand the complex situation. This you can do through research, evaluation and a mastermind alliance. The last but not the least is to get raid of that procrastinating propensity by taking immediate action to resolve any issue either personal or professional so as to avoid the accumulation of unresolved situations.

Anatomy of Frustration: A Factor between Success and Failure.

Your inability to begin or continue a mind or mental processes, often attributed to emotional stress can also be termed as frustration. You have suffered from frustration one time or the other and being able to effectively address it is essential for your personal and professional development. It can also be a decisive factor between success and failure in any undertaken. Frustration is an emotion that occurs in situations where one is obstructed or prevented from reaching a personal or professional goal and left with unfulfilled needs. The more important the goals tend to be and the purpose for which they must be achieved, the intense the frustration. These suffice to say that there are levels of frustrations, however no matter its level it must be address so as to avoid its devastation sooner or later.

Anatomy of Frustration: Pope John XXIII

Pope John XXIII said: “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” This is a great antidote for frustration in personal and professional life, for when you develop the right kind of mental processes and you concern yourself with the positive possibilities and potentiality you will become unstoppable.

Anatomy of Frustration: Positive Possibilities

There are limitless positive possibilities, advantages to which you can use and turn the energy of this emotional trauma. Here is what Ralp Marston said, “You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.” This cannot be further from the truth. All you need to do is to decide, yes to decide that you will become unstoppable and determined to harness the energy of frustration transforming it into extraordinary opportunities and unlocking the power to succeed.

Anatomy of Frustration: Proper Perspective

Having the proper perspective of frustration is vitally important in achieving tremendous results and you will grow to become an outstanding example of achievement that will negate the supposed negative effects of frustration. Frustration actually can be a valuable tool for achieving some of your greatest achievement. Anthony Robbins, one of the experts on personal and human development has this to say; “I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.” This is not just true for Mr. Robbins but equally true for anyone that will learn and apply these simple strategies detailed on this blog.

Anatomy of Frustration: Reacting to frustration

Our initial reaction to frustration is often to succumb to it and its negative consequences without taking action in the direction of our anticipated outcome. We either resist or ignore it altogether, putting up a protective defense and confront it as an enemy with which we feel we must do battle. The yielding, resisting, partially or completely ignoring of this emotional disposition and others like it is disadvantageous and can only produce negative results, we will find ourselves producing more frustration, anxiety, stress and fear than opportunities and productivity.

In times of frustrations, you need to ask the right kind of questions, which will empower you to take action in the right direction with regard to the problem and condition at hand. Frustration has been seen and considered as an unnecessary evil responsible for your demise. To a larger extent it has prevailed as such, but this book will open your eyes to see beyond your present condition as it will crystallize in clear terms the anatomy of frustration and how you can turn and channel your frustration into productivity.

Anatomy of Frustration: Frustration can be a useful tool.

Frustration in life is not only inevitable, but also useful. However, what you chose to do or don't in moments of frustration is what will determine your ability to do that, which is necessary to achieve the expected end, or desired and your inability to produce your desired outcome. It is not what you go through that ultimately determine your outcome but how you respond to the events responsible for the frustration. Jack Canfield has formulated a formula that I think drives this point home and that is, Events + Response= Outcome (E+R=O). If you do not appreciate the outcome such as frustration in your life all you need to do is to change your response to the event until you get your anticipated outcome.

Quote Meal

“One of the sources of pride in being a human being is the ability to bear present frustrations in the interests of longer purposes”
Helen Merell Lynd

Anatomy of Frustration: Frustration an observable fact

Frustration is an observable fact that you have to deal with on a daily basis. The burdens of work, family, unforeseen crisis and unmet expectations combined to produce tangled loops of frustration in your life. While there are certain things you can do to make life run more smoothly, you must also understand that as human you have limitations in life that will make you unable to cause things to run smoothly as you desire, this makes frustration inevitable as you progress and navigate through life.

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