Anatomy of Frustration: Lack of Control

Lack of control over people, things, events and circumstances just to name a few is known to be one of the root causes of frustration today in personal and professional lives. Charles Popplestown stated, “You can not always control circumstances, but you can control your own thoughts.” This problem is quite common but not obvious. First and foremost you need to recognize that you have no control over things around you, control of other people’s lives or make anyone do anything for that matter.

Kelsey Grammer remarked, “The mark of a man is one who knows he can't control his circumstances - but he can control his responses.” A lot of people really get frustrated because they cannot control the situation to their own advantage. In view of the fact that there is a lack of control a feeling of disappointment, exasperation, or weariness takes over, producing anger, stress or resentment. These individuals do not realize that there are events, situations or circumstances in life that we cannot control just for the simple fact that we are humans.

Jim Rohn is often quoted as saying “It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.” To be frustrated at the direction of the wind, which is beyond your control, is unproductive. It is imperative therefore, to understand that one may not be able to control certain situations or events because they do not depend on us directly or indirectly. You need to learn how to let go some of the things you are struggling with trying so hard to gain control over because when that happens that is when you gain.

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