Anatomy of Frustration: One of my Stories

Allow me to share one of my stories on frustration. First and foremost as humans we are all susceptible to frustrations no one is immune against it. I’m yet to meet anyone who has not experienced some measure of frustration. However, it is not the frustration, object or subject of frustration that should be our focus but how to respond to the events causing the frustration and its effects.

For many who may not have read my profile yet, I am a Pastor of a growing church located in Brussels Belgium. As a Pastor, I became really frustrated with the music ministry of our church, no matter the personal and financial investments nothing seems to be moving in the right direction as it were. The musicians were not there when needed and I had spoken to them on several occasions with little or no changes at all.

I thought to myself you are so frustrated with these folks that your effect on them will become negative if you don’t do something about that frustration. Rather than getting all irritated and angry, yelling,
nagging, saying and doing things we are not suppose to like we all do when we are frustrated and overwhelmed, I made a choice to transform that energy into something more productive and you too can.

This line of thought help me see the situation as an opportunity to acquire a skill that I did not possess initially and that was to learn one of the instruments. I decided to learn how to play on the keyboard and today I can play not as a professional but at least I can fill in when our pianist or keyboardist is not available and as well play and enjoy the Lord with my daughters as worship at home.

You see transforming frustration into opportunities and the power to succeed is all about the choices we make. We may choose to respond positively or negatively when we are frustrated, whichever route you decide to take, there are consequences. Despite the fact that my situation may not exactly look alike but you will still have to make choices either to respond positively or negatively. You must not allow the seeds of discouragement, anger and despair be sown in the soil of your heart because it will produce more of frustration.


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