Anatomy of Frustration: Keys to Ponder

Are you on the verge of a nervous breakdown at work, at home or considering giving up on your dreams and expectations or are you frustrated and things aren’t moving in the direction anticipated? Of course, there are challenges pertinent to everyone one of us and you are not alone in this life process. However, let me say this, it is evident that some of our expectations are not easy to achieve but they are not impossible either; that's why you have to hold on to your dreams and goals until they come to fruition. It’s actually the process of making your goals happen that really gives you reason to rejoice while the actual accomplishment is the climax of the process and pursuit of your expectations. Impossible situations are things or events, which are yet to be achieved, and of course this does not negates its possibilities.

Here are some keys to ponder on when you come across frustrating circumstances:

Having a right perspective of the situation is invaluable: This is very important as you deal with issues in every day life. Occasionally you have been astonished at yourself and the aftermath of the decisions made because you did not have the right perspective. No matter the circumstance please do take the time to evaluate, seek wise counsel and think through so as to have appropriate perspective. This process will bring clarity to some things, it will allow you have insight to what is working and what is not.

Set realistic expectations and achievable goals: Expectations or goals that aren’t realistic could be major reasons for frustration. Do not go off tangent here, set goals that are congruent with your core values, with the resources at your disposal. This does not suffice to mean that you should not stretch yourself beyond what seems impossible but shouldn’t be overstated because it will do you more harm than good.

Understand that there are things and circumstances that you cannot control: There are several events occurring in and through your life that is causing a great deal of frustrations right now. To be candid with you sometimes it’s not necessarily the events responsible for your frustration and exasperation, but just your inability to control the final outcome. This can range from the traffic to issues with your loved ones. I cannot stress this enough, you have to come to that realization that there are things you just cannot control. To know this will help you deal with the frustration immensely.


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