Anatomy of Frustrarion: Failure Factor

The Law of Human Behavior states, “Sooner or later we will get what we expect.” This law is explicit enough, it suffice to mean that whatever you expect is going to be your reality. For example, if you expect to fail, sooner or later you will fail. Every situation is an education. No one enjoys failing in any endeavor, however, it’s inevitable. Mr. Jobson enrolled to take his driver’s permit test which he performed poorly and this was neither his first nor was it is second test and as a result he is frustrated and disappointed.

The failure to achieve ones desires or expectation can result to frustration and it can affect you in a very remarkable way. However, failure is not reserved for the less privileged or mentally retarded but to all of us. I have since discovered that failure is one of the breakfasts of champions. Individuals who have never failed are individuals who haven’t done anything. It is imperative to understand that failure is not a destination but an event that occurred in pursuit of your goals and objectives. Here is how Rogier Von Oech puts it; Remember, there are two benefits of failure, First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn’t work; and second, the failure gives you an opportunity to try a new approach…. Most people think of success and failure as opposite, but they are actually both products of the same process.

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