Anatomy of Frustration: What is Frustration

There are different definitions of anatomy. The best definition of anatomy with regard to our discourse, which is the main subject of this blog, is; Anatomy is the examination of what something is like, the way it works and why it happens. It is a detailed analysis of something. Therefore the anatomy of frustration is the examination, a detailed analysis of what it is, the way it works and why it happens defines frustration as a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.

Frustration can also be defined as follows:

1. Feeling of disappointment, discomfort or defeat at being unable to accomplish one's purpose or goals.
2. A feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized;
3. A feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized;
4. Anger produced by some annoying irritation


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